Chef Jobs in Reading & Newbury

Inspiring chef jobs in Reading & Newbury

Feel like a star with Constellation! We’re proud to connect motivated people to flexible and permanent chef jobs throughout Reading and Newbury, with a wide range of opportunities for rising stars through to experienced Head Chefs.

When you join the team in one of our dynamic chef jobs, you’ll be empowered to shine bright across our diverse portfolio of venues, from Reading Football Club to Newbury Racecourse.

At Constellation, you’ll whip up show-stopping dishes and develop culinary skills that take you to new heights, all with the support of a connected workforce. What are you waiting for?

Chef Jobs Reading & Newbury

Shoot for the stars at Constellation

Are you searching for a chance to shine? We’re always looking for ambitious Head Chefs, Commis Chefs, Sous Chefs and Chef de Parties to bring their spark to our kitchens. If you’ve got the passion, we’ve got the position!  


At Constellation, you’ll discover jobs that make you feel like a five-star chef, with plenty of opportunities to go above and beyond in Reading, Newbury and throughout the UK. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or you’re a culinary expert with a love for leadership, we want to hear from you. 

Apply now

Discover your dream role at Constellation. Explore our chef jobs throughout Reading and Newbury and apply now to join our fantastic teams.


Keith Prowse
Jockey Club